The Theology Pugcast is three over-educated Reformed guys grumbling about what bugs them, and sometimes even barking about what they like. The topics can vary widely seeing as the Pugsters have different spheres of knowledge and interest, but common themes which appear regularly include the transcendence of God and the meaningfulness of His creation.

Rev. C. R. Wiley is a pastor living in Washington State. He’s been a college professor (teaching philosophy), a real estate investor, a home improvement contractor, and a writer and illustrator. He has written for Touchstone Magazine, Modern Reformation, Sacred Architecture, The Imaginative Conservative, Front Porch Republic, Plough, National Review Online, and First Things, among others. His most recent book is, The Household and the War for the Cosmos published by Canon Press (2019). His short fiction has appeared in The Mythic Circle (published by the Mythopoeic Society) and elsewhere, and the first book in his young adult fantasy series, The Purloined Boy was published by Canonball Books (2017). He is a board member of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, as well as New Saint Andrews College.

Visit www.crwiley.com to learn more.

Dr. Glenn Sunshine is professor emeritus of Early Modern European History at Central Connecticut State University, a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and the founder and president of Every Square Inch Ministries, www.esquareinch.org.

Glenn has published multiple books and numerous articles and book chapters on history, theology, and culture, online and on both sides of the Atlantic. His book Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home (Zondervan, 2009) received the 2006 Acton Institute Book Grant. His latest book is Slaying Leviathan: Limited Government and Resistance in the Christian Tradition. He is also a regular columnist at www.breakpoint.org.

Glenn has taught a variety of Bible, history, and worldview seminars and courses to churches around the U.S., Europe, Africa, and Asia, as well as leading church retreats, seminars, and renewal weekends. He was the content consultant for several worldview curricula, including “Wide Angle” and “Walk the Talk.” A Research Fellow of the Acton Institute, Glenn has also appeared in multiple documentaries and video curricula, including the Acton documentary “The Birth of Freedom,” “Labeled,” a documentary on eugenics, “Doing the Right Thing,” an ethics curriculum, “Worldview and Why It Matters,” a worldview curriculum he did with Chuck Colson, and most recently the Founders documentary on Critical Race Theory, “By What Standard?”

Glenn and his wife Lynn have been married for 40 years and have two children.

Dr. Thomas Price (D.Phil University of Oxford) has been teaching at Gordon Conwell since 2015, serving as an adjunct instructor in Theology, Christian Ethics, and Apologetics. He also teaches Theology, Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy at a host of other institutions. His theological work highlights he utterly unique aspects of the theological vision given to Christians in the Gospel. Central to this vision is a distinct understanding of divinity and its relation to itself and all else. Recapturing Christian teaching about divine transcendence by drawing upon the riches of Christian spiritual and intellectual tradition is a core passion of this work. His work further retrieves the classical Christian emphasis on theological first principles and shows how significant the biblical metaphysic is for ordering our spiritual and intellectual life. For him, Theology (God) and all things relative to God becomes the core ordering pattern of Christian thought and life as it is oriented towards its God-centered end. At the heart of this work is a thoroughgoing Trinitarianism, beginning with the perfect, immanent life of the Trinity.

A corollary aspect of his work is theological anthropology. His work in Christian ethics focuses firstly on moral theology and its implications for understanding the human creature. From here, he works out a metaphysics of creation which supplies the proper backdrop for understanding the nature, purpose, and ends of human being and life. From this theological vision, he can bring to the fore those core aspects of Christian teaching which have been eclipsed in much contemporary ethical reflection. His aim, again, is to recapture the God-centered end of the Christian life in all its import for human action, witness, and flourishing. It is from this well-spring, for him, that issues of life, justice, peacemaking, and the like, can be addressed from the riches we have in the Gospel. Dr. Price is currently working on a book that ties his theological, ethical, and apologetic contributions together: A Theological Handbook for the Baptized.

Dr Price received his B. G. S. Degree (Music and Philosophy of Education) from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; his M.Div. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; his Th.M. from Duke Divinity in Theology and Church History; his D.Phil from University of Oxford in Theology and Ethics under the supervision of the late John Webster. He served as the President of the Oxford Society of Law in Religion (2008). He participated as an Evangelical representative at the 13th Ecumenical Council in Di Bose, Italy (Monastery Di Bose). He is ordained (1998) and has served the church in a host of teaching, preaching, and equipping engagements.

He resides in West Hartford, CT with his wife Sandra and two sons, Sebastian and Julian Finn.