Science and Beauty: A Conversation with Ken Boa

The Pugsters welcome back Dr. Ken Boa to talk about the importance of beauty for the Christian. Ken talks about seeing the beauty of the natural world and how we can use it as a force multiplier for our faith. This connects into a discussion of science and how it reveals the beauty in the world. The guys also talk with Ken about his upcoming events at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, and his Museum of Created Beauty app, both of which are designed to help Christians see and appreciate the wonders of creation and through that to enhance our worship.

Learn more about Reflections Ministries and Ken Boa at

Find the Museum of Created Beauty app in your App Store or online at

Learn more about the Encountering Beauty event:

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The Theology Pugcast is a ministry of Trinity Reformed Church in Huntsville Alabama. To view more media from TRC, visit their website: